The Wabek Consolidated School, located in Mountrail County, North Dakota, has been listed in the North Dakota State Historic Sites Registry. Established in 1917 by consolidating two one-room schoolhouses, the school accommodated more students and offered expanded educational opportunities. In the 1930s, it served over 100 students and had its own baseball team and grass ballfield. The school also hosted social events, including a speech by Gov. Lynn Frazier in 1920, who arrived by airplane, marking the first flight of a governor during a political campaign in the U.S. Today, the Wabek Consolidated School is one of the few remaining physically consolidated schools in the state. Listing in the State Historic Sites Registry signifies the historical significance of the property but does not restrict the owners in any way. The documentation process for listing aims to safeguard historically significant sites. The State Historical Society of North Dakota coordinated the nomination of the Wabek Consolidated School to the Registry.
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