Lupita Nyong’o discusses DreamWorks’ new animated movie, “The Wild Robot,” based on a book series by Peter Brown. Nyong’o voices Roz, a robot stranded on an island with wild animals, relating to feeling like an outsider. She emphasizes the importance of adaptation and staying true to oneself, drawing parallels to her own experiences living in Mexico. Nyong’o believes that being a foreigner can lead to personal growth and new perspectives. The story of Roz showcases the transformation from a logical robot to a compassionate, nurturing being, emphasizing the power of kindness. Nyong’o highlights the theme of adaptation and finding a sense of belonging as Roz befriends animals and raises an orphaned gosling. The movie contrasts with the classic robot Rosie from “The Jetsons,” showing a different snapshot of the future with a more practical design for Roz. Nyong’o believes that viewers can learn from looking at new environments with fresh eyes and that being a foreigner can offer unique insights. Overall, “The Wild Robot” explores the relationship between machines and nature, showing that survival doesn’t have to be a choice between the two.
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